My Favorite Live Web Cams & a Few Thoughts on Our Upcoming Trip for 2

As you know, I love my desk, as I've written before. I also mentioned in that post that I like to keep a live web cam going at times while I'm working. Here are my favorites, some of which are not currently streaming.

Anacapa Island, where we'll be hiking in just over a week, is one of my favorites. Caution though - there is a foghorn on the lighthouse that goes off about every 30 seconds or so. You may want to mute this tab on your browser. There is also the sound of birds, boats, wind, and waves crashing. In time, you can learn to just get used to the foghorn.... I like coastlines where there are waves hitting rocky shores. I literally googled that one day and found this live cam. A year or so later, Toby started having to travel to California on business for a particular contract for his employer. We quickly realized he was not far from Anacapa. We started planning a trip out there for last summer, but it fell through and we went to Branson instead. Not a bad tradeoff. 

But this summer, the trip is going to happen. I'm so excited to get to hike around the island I've been watching from my computer while I work all this time. We're also going to Sequoia / King's Canyon National Parks and will get some mountain and tree time in. Then I'll get to see all his favorite spots in Pasadena, where he's been working. He's been wanting me to come out there with him since he first started going. ❤️ That's very sweet and I'm so grateful to be able to do so this time. While he works, I'll work from the hotel, then we'll explore the city in the evenings together. This was how we saw Hawaii in December. It was really a work trip, but we tacked on a couple of days to see some things in between working. I've actually only been to California via LAX on our way to Hawaii, but never to sight-see. We are sort of scouting a family trip there for hopefully next summer as well. 

Back to the live cams...

I discovered this other stream from Farallon Island off the rocky coast of California and love it as well, but it's not currently streaming. I keep checking back. 

This time of year, the Bears at Katmai National Park are feasting on salmon at Brooks Falls. You hear mostly the sound of rushing water going over the falls, although sometimes the sound gets messed up. Also, there is a view of the falls from a lower part of the river, at Riffles. You'll see bears from there as well. 

I also recently found a mountain cam from one of my favorite towns in Colorado, Breckenridge. It's fascinating to contrast the weather. A couple of weeks ago it was snowing pretty hard over there! It was 90-something degrees here. Le sigh. 

Another great mountain / mountain lake cam is Homewood Mountain in California. You'll often hear the sound of the wind and some birds on that one. 

If the beach and waves are your thing, you might like this one from West Turtle Bay on Oahu in Hawaii. Toby and I were on Oahu and stayed in Honolulu for a week in December and it reminds me of that. It was a great trip that I'm going to have to blog about sometime very soon. We did not actually get to Turtle Bay but drove past it on our way to Sunset Beach to get pictures of....the sunset! This live cam is the closet one to that area, the Pipeline. When we got to Sunset Beach, there was quite the surfing competition going in very turbulent waters. Toby got some great shots and I got some video that I want to post when I write about that trip and when he finishes the post-processing on his shots. 

In the spring, I like to watch the famous Decorah Eagles lay and hatch their eggs. It's not streaming at the moment though. 

Very recently, I discovered a live cam that shows Orcas rubbing their tummies on pebbles at Rubbing Beach in British Columbia, Canada. Unfortunately, the camera seems to be down at the moment. I noticed it was having problems in the past weeks as it would seem to be frozen. I keep checking back there as well.

Each day I click on them to see what inspires me. Sometimes I keep 2 or 4 going at once and chew up as much bandwidth as I can get away with. 😉

Anyway, maybe those will help you when you're working or just wanting a window into nature. 

Thanks for reading! 


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