Morning Walk at Breckinridge on May 23, 2020

Breckinridge Park is one of our absolute favorites. We return there again and again. It's great to return to them same places throughout the year to really get a sense of them in each season. So much changes in territory that is otherwise so familiar. We wish so often we had just more time to do this and make sure we experience these things more. In time - or maybe we need to learn to use our time better somehow. I'm still contemplating this. I think I always will be. 

Anyway, one benefit of the Pandemic (for us, we understand this was not the case for so many) and the lockdowns was that as much as could be was canceled or shut down and that left us with more time to do something that we might put lower on the list of priorities. 

I always think of Canadian Geese in the fall, but I guess they were heading back home for the summer? It was a surprise and treat to see them on this late spring / nearly summer morning. We also missed the wildflowers in their prime here, unfortunately. The Northern trail has been planted the last few years and has better flowers than many others we frequent. Somehow, we didn't get there at the right time this year, but we enjoyed what we could see. 

That's a Cottonwood Tree there in the middle. I love them. They are actually related to my beloved Aspens as both are Poplar trees.

Great clouds this day as well.

Look at the light here. I like trying to capture light in a way that makes the subject look illuminated. 

These were such cute and busy little Cliff Swallows. Toby got the BEST SHOT of this little guy. I swear he looks like he's smiling and engaging with us.  

And, that was this particular Saturday morning's outing. 

Thanks for reading! 


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